Saturday, November 7, 2009

AWOL for a while

I have been AWOL for a while - I am taking photos but just don't have the time, or the energy, to upload and blog them. We are moving next week and so we have been manically packing and any spare time I have, I have been trying to keep up to date with my CT commitments for the Digital Scrap Cafe - plus I have got addicted to Bejewelled on FaceBook. I am desperate to beat Zoe's nursery supervisor - but just can't get near her score.
Of course once we move, I will be just as busy unpacking and getting sorted. So I may be away for a while, but I will catch up soon. Plus I am having a nightmare trying to get broadband sorted in the new house.

Be back soon.


Deb said...

Glad to hear your house move is going on at long last. Good luck on moving day - hope it all goes smoothly and you enjoy your new home.

Linda said...

Good luck with the move! Look forward to hearing from you again when you are settled in your new home.