Sunday, August 31, 2008

Day 244 - Sunday 31st August

"Peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. Peace means to be in the midst of all those things and still be calm in your heart.” - Author Unknown

We have had a busy and noisy day today. We have been to Monkey Bizzness with Zoë and she had great fun, but it meant she didn’t get an afternoon nap. It is very noisy there with lots of children racing around screaming at the top of their voices. It was a relief to get out and go and do the weekly shop. In Tesco I found a bubble machine for just £5.50.
When we got home we set it up in the garden and Zoë had fun chasing the bubbles around. She was covered in bubble mixture. So she had to come in for an early bath. Since then she has just cried and winged continuously because she is totally overtired. She has thrown some of the most fiercest tantrums ever. So absolutely no peace here and I am not feeling at all calm.
Tea and an early bed I think!


knitkath said...

Gorgeous photo, bubbles are such fun!

Shirley said...

Great photo Claire and who would have thought that a tantrum was inside waiting to erupt!!!