Friday, November 21, 2008

Day 325 - Thursday 20 November

Live your life from your heart. Share from your heart and your story will touch and heal people’s souls – Melody Beattie, author and journalist

If I understand this prompt correctly, it is about being open and honest. I think I am both of these and sometimes it works out to be detrimental to me. I like to always think the best of people and then am always surprised and hurt when they turn out to be different to how I expect them to be. I can’t play office politic games and have been caught out several times. I have learned, the hard way, that it is better just to keep your head down and just get on with things. Trouble is, I have a big gob and tend to say things that I shouldn’t!!!!
So I would love to be like the prompt, but I am just not sure that in this day and age, it is feasible to do so.


Steph said...

Love your photo and your journalling made me laugh!

Shirley said...

Journalling made me laugh too.
Know where you are coming from though!